Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Scout Camp 2010

Eli's at Scout camp this week. They are not at our Council camp in Canton, but rather in Dysartsville, at the Meckenberg Council camp, Camp Grimes.

All the dads were encouraged to take a day and spend an overnight with the troop to share the burden of providing leadership for the troop at camp. I was there TU-WE. As luck would have it, I needed to take Briggs in order not to upset the child care apple cart completely.

At the end of each they everyone has a free period where they can check out several of the cooler merit badge sites "for free" or just for fun. It rained TU afternoon and a couple of things got washed out, including the rifle range. Eli had hoped to try it. He went and waited out the rain and was rewarded for his patience.

When Briggs and I caught up with Eli has was at the archery area. When the rain began, we went back there because it was sheltered. Briggs didn't mind the rain at all. But he really liked being near the cool archery stuff!

This is Eli at the end of his appointed archery session, plucking out his arrows. He liked it a lot, and it was a two-hour session (instead of the usual 50-minute session).

There are a lot more pictures and a slide show and a few words about camp at the Troop 50 blog.

Here are some other random pictures from my 24 hours at the camp. Click anywhere on the slideshow and go to the source and read the captions for each picture.

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