Friday, January 25, 2013

Iced in

The threat of icy weather was enough to cancel school for today for everyone, and enough to put Manna on a two-hour delay. By mid-morning there was actually stuff falling from the sky, so Manna closed. That left all of us at home. Everything is supposed to melt tomorrow. The older boys spent the day on the computer and TV. 

Calvin, for the past few weeks, has been keen on picture puzzles. He's got a couple that he puts together every evening when he gets home from school. Today we pulled out some that we had been holding in reserve for just such an occasion. The living room floor became puzzle central. Too, Libby had given me a puzzle of scenes from the Parkway for Christmas. She pulled that out and started on it and I joined in. We let Calvin put the last half-dozen pieces in. He takes puzzling pretty seriously: he was not sure he wanted me to take a picture of him and the puzzles. Apparently they are not the frivolous sort of thing that one takes pictures of, to his way of thinking. Anyway, I got a couple of pics. It was a nice day, capped off by a walk around the block to visit Miss Julia and to the bodega for a piece of candy. And, tomorrow is still only Saturday!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter ball

Briggs is doing basketball this season, as is Calvin. The SmartStart  program for little children that the Parks and Rec department does is pretty good. For kids Calvin's age, it's mostly drills and skills, with lots of time for just running up and down the court. I took Calvin today, and it just happened to be the day the children got shirts and balls. Calvin even managed to sink a goal (8-feet high) with his new ball!


Briggs turned 9 last week. In typical fashion, his birthday celebration spanned 3 days and more. Saturday he took a friend to Fun Depot for the afternoon, then over to Cheshire later to swim. Sunday Libby took him shopping for shoes, socks, shorts and a shirt. All Duke-blue. Monday was his cakeday. Libby made him a cake and let him help decorate. I managed to help scarf some down before heading to a meeting. It was unseasonably warm last weekend, and rainy. Monday, the boys had a day off from school because it was the end of the term at the high school. So they were stuck at home all day, but couldn't go outside. Not sure if any of that really explains the whole no-shirt thing in this picture, but anyway...Presents from Greg and Granny arrived on Wednesday, which stretched the festivities even further. Nice new Nike shoes from Greg and an assortment of attire, and the move The Sandlot from Granny. All good stuff.