Monday, May 24, 2010

Our weekend

I've been sleeping and breathing songs and dialog from the children's musical The Troubabble of Zerubbabel for months. Our performance of it on Sunday evening went really, really well. The kids nailed their songs and their lines; the band was awesome. The crew did great with set changes and props. Our costumes were stunning; our "Adversaries" brought the house down! Here's one picture, but you can view a slideshow of the dress rehearsal and reception following the performance at the church's music blog. Thanks to all the kids, all the parents and everyone who helped make it happen.

Briggs knows most of the music and dialog because he had to be at the last five (long, intense) rehearsals leading up to the show. He brought a copy of the score home last night, and even carried it to school today to share with his chums. This morning at breakfast he reported that he couldn't get the music out of his head.

FWIW: Libby played flute in the band and Eli was one of the crew. If it wouldn't have offended a bunch of other siblings I probably would have stuck a keffiyah on Briggs and let him do the show. As it was, he watched with Calvin in the audience. But it won't be long.

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