Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bird latest

Thursday evening I took Calvin to see the babies. He hadn't seen them up close. All fine. After a quick peek, I put him in his swing. As he was swinging the baby robins bailed out of the nest. They had apparently had enough of our being so close. They fluttered to the ground and did kind of a hop-fly action across the grass. Every other (adult) robin in the neighborhood starting screaming and dive-bombing us! It was amazing how much noise they could make. And the feathers on top of their heads flew up. Pretty cool if it weren't so unnerving. I got Calvin out of the swing and went to scoop up the babies and put them in their nest. They each tried to nibble on my hand, but I got them back in the nest. Today the nest was empty, but I am pretty sure I saw them lurking in the apple trees. I'm going to check right before sundown and see if they are still keeping residence.

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