Memories of those scenes from Home Alone, in the basement. Our heating system is rather old. It's oil-fired baseboard hot-water. That's a picture of the furnace itself in the basement. Copper pipe runs throughout the house, feeding hot water to baseboard units in each room. It works really well.
But here's the thing. Honest to God, I had already called the oil delivery guys. I knew the tank was low and knew I had to call before the weekend. But there was no heat today. I remained un-ruffled as I called a local service company. They got here in an amazing 20 minutes! I had checked the oil tank and had already placed an order for a delivery of 200 gallons for this afternoon or tomorrow.
The HVAC service guys, first thing, asked, "Got oil?" I said, "sure," and showed them the level on the stick. It was about four inches. Which apparently for "top-feed" tanks is actually "empty!" Who knew?
So I called the oil people (Davidson's in Swannanoa) back, and asked them to rush the delivery. They were very agreeable. The HVAC guys, Lewis and Sons here in Black Mountain, were very gracious about the false alarm. Did I mentioned they got here in 20 minutes? Better than a damn pizza! They said if there were still no heat after re-filling the oil to call them back. Live and learn: four inches of oil in the tank equals empty!
Dude! How cool! I should've set up a blog to share my home reno project. I guess I could still make one, and post pictures of all the fabulous parties I
When will the Mr. Jim Guest House be complete?
As soon as we get invited to one of those parties, we'll start passing out invitations to the guest cottage! I'll post a picture of it next week.
Thanks for the link and the pics. A real laundry room and a "craft room"? I'm jealous. Maybe I should trade my rancher in for a 1915 model, too. It looks like the renovations are going/went very well. Now, really ... you didn't get complaints about the Duke flag ...?
I think I told you my next-door neighbors were evicted. Now the new owner is cleaning the leftovers out of the house - like a mattress and box spring, old cabinets, old mail from a collection agency, plastic plants. This all makes a huge pile the length of the driveway in the back of the house. Makes me wonder what they took with them. Apparently they left rotting food in the fridge in the basement. I went over there today for my weekly look-in-the-windows and the fridge in the basement is standing with the door open.
Post more info and pics for those of us leading a duller life ....
We'll send our old toilet, to make your vista complete!
Ha ha. Believe me, they would never notice the addition. OR would you like the mattress, medicine cabinet, used pet carrier, doorknobs, and garden cart to go with your toilet? (Also, I heard they left the house full of crosses hanging on walls and a Bible and Koran next to each other on a table ..... (ick))
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