Saturday, April 11, 2020


A few years ago I got us a redbud tree for our anniversary. We planted it near Kerlee Heights Road on the bank above the drainage ditch. There were some other mature trees around. The redbud didn't do very well. Most noticeably it leaned toward the street. It took forever for me to figure out what was going on. I finally realized it didn't really like the location. But I never got around to moving it. Finally a couple of years ago it died. Last year about this time I got another redbud, and we put it in the same spot. Almost immediately it started leaning. Over winter I decided that I would move it in order for it to have a chance to thrive. I did that right before things began to warm up. I moved it further down the bank, toward the apple trees, near the Japanese maple, but not under anything else. It seems to be doing well. I used stakes and guide wires to help it straighten; those seem to be working.

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