Saturday, August 9, 2014

Chickens and corn

I looked out the window at some point this morning and saw five chickens poking around the cars. Two red and three white. Very nonchalant. I called Libby, who called Briggs, who called Calvin. By this point they had made their way into the well area beside the front stoop: lots of dead leaves and dirt, and worms in there. They looked very well cared for. They poked all around the yard, eventually discovering the ground underneath the bird feeders, which is rich with dropped seed. So after a few minutes, Libby and Calvin took off to see if they could spot an empty chicken coop in the yard of a nearby neighbor. Sometime later they had returned, the chickens were gone and we had a basket of produce including several ears of corn. This was the result. As it turns out, the boys were very appreciative of the chickens, which plays well into my plan for one day having a few of my own here at the Folly. No, I have no logical explanation for why I didn't get a picture of the chickens.

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