Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dinner theater

We had a Christmas dinner theater at church last week. The play was "In Bethlehem Inn" by John Carter, a drama I have mounted several times, in two previous churches. It all went great. Late last week I asked Briggs if he wanted to be a shepherd in the outside nativity scene. He said, "Sure," with his usual nonchalance. We got him a costume, and when we learned that we had not only a donkey, but it's yearling offspring, we made plans to let Briggs be the baby donkey's minder. He did great. This was on top of his debut as a percussionist at early church that same morning. He played triangle on the Taize "Prepare the way of the Lord." I taught him a down-and-dirty" short-short-long pattern, and had him join the band on the fifth layered iteration. He did a great job. All-in-all a busy day for Briggs, and an awesome outing for him.

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