Friday, December 18, 2009

Big dog snow

We haven't had much in the way of snow since we arrived. That changed today. It started snowing before sunrise and went for 4 hours or so. It switched to sleet mid-morning, but by lunchtime was back to snow. Briggs and I made a trip out to see what was going on at church (nothing); buy a couple of food items (popcorn, snack mix and milk), and get kerosene (the fire department responded to a motorist in distress while we were there). And it's been pretty steady ever since. We've got about 3" around the house. Ray's Weather is predicting near 12" for Black Mountain and straight north of here to Burnsville.

It was pretty weird: this morning we had a robo-call from the county school system telling us schools were closed for the day. It was not snowing then. Twenty minutes later it did start snowing. It was like a scene from The Truman Show. I'll get pictures later.

There is all grade of fretting over church activities: our big music is this Sunday for both services. Not sure what we'll wind up doing yet. Kind of depends on how much snow we actually get overnight. We also have our choir party on Sunday evening. That will be up in the air until decisions are made about church services.

Our street got plowed early this morning, but it's covered over again. Not sure if or when we'll see the plows again!


Mike Barker said...

Plows came by again just a little while ago! Maybe we really are on their radar and won't be forgotten!

Mike Barker said...

Libby measured late last night: 12 inches in the middle of the yard.