Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pair of Ducks?

Recently I have been living with the notion of the paradox of our faith, and the paradoxes contained within our faith. Lots of folks want absolute answers, but I think a big part of faith is living with paradox, two seeming opposites that must reside together for the most authentic expression of our faith. Donna Shaper in a helpful post at Theolog, suggests the less antagonistic term "partnership" might be more helpful than either paradox or dichotomy. I think I might agree.

The notion struck me again today as I was reading about church marketing. Our church is in a very propitious moment: I think there are lots of possibilities that will likely begin to evidence themselves when we have new permanent pastoral leadership in place. This article by Brad Abare at Church Marketing Sucks seems to get at the issue. We are a fairly intellectual, liberal congregation, but not all that representative of the wider community in which we reside. We have a decision of sorts to make in the coming months if we are going to grow. And I think a lot of the decision-making will be along these lines and how we deal with the issues that are raised here. I intend to try to get our leadership to read these articles in preparation for studying how we want to understand ourselves as church in the next few years.

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