Monday, June 22, 2009

Back from camp

Eli had a good time at camp, even if they had to leave early because of a flu outbreak. Two kids (from Alabama) were ultimately diagnosed with Novel H1N1. The day our troop returned, we had one "sicky," who was told by his doc it was not the notorious version of the flu, but some other sort of virus. Everyone else was checking in "okay." That is until Sunday. They started dropping like flies with various symptoms. Some had started Tamiflu as a precaution, some had not. I couldn't keep track of the correlation between who was sick/not and who had started the med/not. But it was a little anxiety-provoking. Eli started Tamiflu the day he got home and never exhibited any symptoms. My doc graciously had a scrip available for me over the weekend if I began to show any symptoms (I did not).

We went ahead as planned and visited Mt Mitchell and the new observation platform on Saturday, and the Carter reunion in Mayodan and Hanging Rock SP on Sunday.

Here are some pictures from camp.

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