Sunday, May 25, 2008

Play Set Part I

I thought I had dodged the bullet of getting a giant play set for the boys: Eli is rapidly outgrowing one, and Briggs I figured could chase soccer balls for fun. But then along came Calvin and the need for a play area tough enough to handle all of them reared its head again.

I printed off a picture from the web, but really am making it up as I go along. The picture is just to appease the curious. I got cracking this weekend. I picked up a s**tload of lumber and hardware from Lowes on Saturday morning. I managed to coax my brother into coming for an overnight to help. He was a lifesaver! We got the uprights poured on Saturday and spent most of Sunday afternoon building the skirt that will support the floor, and hanging the beam that will support the swings. The last steps in this first phase will be to build a frame at ground level that will become a sandbox and reinforce the swing upright. Everything is off to a great start, thanks in no small part to a certain auger I rented, and my brother! Like I told Greg, we could have dug the holes by hand, and spent a whole day doing that, or suck up the $30 rental for the auger and be able to get two steps done on the first day. I think it paid off.

The truck had been parked down near the site all weekend, and at some point Eli got the goofy idea that sitting in the bed of the truck and practicing his casting skills would be the perfect way to spend an afternoon. Whatever!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, don't they look just like Harrison Ford and Alexander Gudunov in the barnraising scene from "Witness"?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice things you said Bro. I wouldn't trade that time for anything! Kristen and I had a real blast last weekend! We look forward to more fun!

Mike Barker said...

I laid the untreated 2x4's across the deck to make it a little safer to walk on. it's getting lots of use from the brothers and the kids up the street. everything is still standing! going to try to place the supports for the swing upright this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Love the photo of Eli in the back of the pickup in the lounge chair, with the fishing pole. That boy is going to fit in well in WNC!!!