Saturday, April 14, 2007

What Is This?

I was able to conquer the east bank yesterday afternoon. There had been a fence set back from the road about 12 feet. It had fallen over in places and was seriously overgrown. I pulled it down a couple of weeks ago. The lawn inside the fence was in good shape. Outside the fence hadn't been mowed in forever. That's what I tackled yesterday. It all went fine, but I found this. It's concrete, set back from the road about 12 feet; it's about 6 inches square and sticks up above ground level about an inch. I have no idea what it is. Libby and I speculated that it relates to the road somehow: "Right of Way." But we are not at all sure. Anyone got any ideas?


Bud said...

If it's 30" from the center line of a nearby road it's probably
"Right of Way". The long line will probably parallel to the road.

What do you use to edit/make your blog? Yours are so orderly. My always come out with text and pictures sort of scattered about.

Bud said...

That's 30 feet!

Mike Barker said...

Yeah, it's probably 30 FEET from the center of Kerlee Heights Road. But the long line doesn't really go parallel. All in all, though, I would tend to agree.

Anonymous said...

I believe a "fundamental" reading of this "signpost" is that God placed it there specifically for you to find as a reminder that Right and Wrong are to be found exclusively of opposite sides of the Cross....

Jim B