Saturday, April 7, 2007


It came as a bit of a surprise.

We had been warned this could be the coldest weekend of the year. But chances of snow were minimal. What started as blow-off from the Craggy Mountains last night persisted overnight, and became our own little snow shower. We awoke to a dusting everywhere this morning!

Libby is working a temp job this week at a manufacturing plant in Weaverville. Chatting with the folks there about the blast of cold air this weekend, she learned that there is often a cold snap right around the time the dogwoods bloom, and a good chance of another right around the time the blackberries bud. We're in the midst of the first, and lo and behold we not only got cold, but snow as well. Celebrating our 18th anniversary as we are this weekend, Libby and I reminisced about the fact that it snowed on April 7, 1989, the day of our wedding rehearsal, 18 years to the day that it snowed last night!
When we bought Barkers' Folly, the sellers told us they thought there might be asparagus growing somewhere on the lot. Earlier this week I found it and plucked three stalks. Checking yesterday, I found these gangly shoots that were not even an inch tall on Monday!

1 comment:

Bud said...

Now Michael...A foot in less than a week???!!! I find that a little hard to swallow even from a man of God!