Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Rockmont 2016

Eli has been working at Rockmont again this year. He was assigned to "CCC" which is the camping and climbing crew. They handle logistics for boys doing camping experiences on- and off-campus and all manner of climbing. Eli's interest in climbing has steadily evolved. I'm not sure what really sold him on the sport. But we have been to a climbing wall in Asheville before which he really enjoyed. He seems to have taken to this job this summer quite well. He had to miss a couple of weeks due to eye surgery, but he was back at camp the instant the doc released him and the camp could get him back into the schedule. This is his last week of the season, though occasional gigs will continue through the fall. I was looking for pictures of Briggs in the camp photos, and happened upon this one of Eli helping a random camper.

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