Friday, March 1, 2013

Calvin's birthday

Calvin turned five last week. Talk around here was, "now you're a whole hand," meaning he wasn't just 2- or 3- or 4-fingers on one hand, he was all five fingers. The boys didn't grasp the full meaning when I said that meant he "was a handful."

We had cake and ice cream on the evening of his birthday. I let my rehearsal go early so I could get home and see the fun. By the time I got here, the presents were all opened. I asked Calvin if I could have a cupcake. He said, "No."

In keeping with tradition his birthday spread over a few days. So a couple of days later on last Friday we went to see a monster truck show as part of his birthday celebration. Eli had gone to a show in Richmond in the downtown coliseum. Briggs had never been before; neither had Calvin. I was prepared to this event to be not as cool as the one in Richmond. The arena just wasn't large enough for a full-scale show. The trucks could go about 50 feet before they had to slam on brakes to keep from running into anything. They raced mini-monster trucks (oh, the irony)  and ATVs. But the big trucks were too big to do laps in this arena. So it was not all that exciting. Calvin (and the other brothers) were ready to go by intermission.

Granny came over on Sunday evening with her presents for Calvin (and Libby), thus extending the celebration even more.

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