Sunday, November 8, 2009

A proper church library

The list of "recently read' in the right column has grown considerably in the past couple of months. Our former administrator at church kept a revolving library of books for other members of the church to borrow. We have a fairly hefty church library with all the religious books one might expect. It also includes a sizable collection of books written by members of our congregation, something rarely encountered in your usual church library. But this"ancillary library" that Jennifer R. had going was a real blessing to our many folks who love to read but are on fixed income. (easier even than a trip to the library!) While I wouldn't call the "holdings" trashy novels, they were more along the lines of beach reading than literature. I like the duel nature of our church library: the proper theological and devotional library and the special section of novels and mysteries for general consumption.

So late in summer it came time to clean the shelf as it were, and time to take everything to the used book-seller in town. I snagged a dozen or so books before that trip and have been reaping the benefits for several weeks. Harlan Coben was new to me, and a good find; John Sandford not as much to my taste. Patterson's co-authored title "Step on a crack" did nothing for me at all. Too many too-tidy puzzles answered with too much ease. Lee Child and his "Reacher" novels were a nice discovery for me. I've finished them all up, and will be taking them back so they can be traded. I've noticed that the "share shelf" has more books on it, so I may be able to keep reading others' treasures for a while.

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