Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Recent and random

Here are some random shots from the month of June. Included are some from Eli's "graduation" from elementary school, Libby receiving a gift for Manna Foodbank from a local church's Vacation Bible School, a couple of Calvin (a very funny one of him in mid-sneeze)and Briggs, and several from around the yard. Everything green has budded and bloomed. There are fruits on all the trees and shrubs. We've had blueberry pancakes, blueberry scones and still have big bowl in the fridge, plus all these still on the two bushes. We're pretty certain we've got some type of apple trees, which, due to mis-pruning, are oddly shaped, and a single pear tree with just a few fruits on it. It's in much better shape than last year, though, when the Easter freeze nipped every bud on it.

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