Tuesday, April 4, 2017

FEMA Corps

Libby wrote this today to update her co-workers at Manna. I haven't bothered to change anything...

He left home for California in mid-February and had four weeks of orientation and training at the AmeriCorps campus in Sacramento. He is a member of FEMA Corps Team Opal 1, along with four others (2 women from Florida, one from eastern NC, and one guy from upstate NY). He’s the baby of the team.


Following that were 2 weeks of FEMA-specific training at the FEMA Region 9 headquarters in San Luis Obisbo, CA. At the conclusion, they made a grand three-day road trip from Southern California to Denver, passing through Las Vegas, northern Arizona (Petrified Forest and Painted Desert), NW New Mexico, and Colorado (thru the Rockies, with snow!).


They arrived in Denver last Sunday and began their actual work last week; they’re staying at an extended-stay hotel for 2 or 3 weeks while the brand-new AmeriCorps housing facility is being completed. Their current project is working with FEMA Region 8 to help with planning for a potential major earthquake in Utah. The FEMA offices are housed in a Cold-War era underground bunker, which is very exciting! You can get an idea of the many projects that AmeriCorps NCCC and FEMA Corps teams are working on here: https://www.nationalservice.gov/programs/americorps/americorps-programs/americorps-nccc/nccc-and-fema-corps-deployment-reports#Pacific%20Region%20FEMA


Each team member works with a FEMA staff member on a specific area of preparedness (transportation, ecological impact, etc.). Eli’s assignment is reviewing and verifying logistical information regarding staging areas, supplies, etc. His staff contact, Maria, is a 20-year Air Force vet and has worked for FEMA for three years. He’s enjoyed discussing aircraft with her, and they’re hoping that their team can tour the Air Force Academy and NORAD (which is not really open to the public—but they apparently have connections).


They’ve all had fun exploring the Denver area (e.g., going to the immense REI store, going to the modern art museum and being thoroughly confused by the works on display, having lunch at a diner and striking up a random conversation with two stagehands from the “Sesame Street Live” tour, etc.) and are looking forward to some hiking and rock-climbing expeditions. This week they’re attending an emergency responder conference in Denver. Pending any disasters that will require their deployment elsewhere, they’ll be in Denver until May 24.