Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I spotted him (or her, I have no idea) first a few weeks ago, as the weather began to warm. He would be in the grass mid-morning, after everyone else had left for school and work, and I was heading to church. He was very brave, sitting in the middle of the lawn, but would scurry, usually to the flower bed when he spotted me. I finally had my phone in hand recently and was able to get a couple of shots. He darted to a smaller escape area, and I was able to get closer than I would have in the flower bed. Still no great shots, but as good as one can expect, I suppose, for a wild bunny. Though it's not visible here, he does indeed have a white tail.

He's just above and left of center in this photo, about 1/4 below the white standpipe. Raven in the bare patches to the left.

Caught up with him in this smaller plant bed. He was desperately trying to hide, so I didn't persist too hard for the picture. You can see the fur of his back in the middle of the shot, under a couple of branches.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sudden rain shower = instant fun

It started raining this evening without warning. No thunder nor lightning, but it rained rather heavily for a while, then eased off. This led to much frolicking.

The one good thing about leaky gutters.

The one good thing about that bare patch in the lawn. Mud.


Can they get any more "in" the water?